Monday, February 10, 2014

What Is Your Personal Brand?

When I was a marketing student in high school, my teacher would constantly ask us this question. I had no clue that this would be something that I would be using to find my dream job after college. For anyone who is wondering what a “personal brand” is, it is what expertise you are bringing to the table. To be even more specific, you want to articulate what makes you different from everyone else. What do you want people to know you for? This is what you have to think about when you are stepping out into the job world.

Where Do I Begin?
Begin with your major. What do you do? Are you a cosmetologist? An engineer? Or maybe an actor? You need to figure out what direction you are going in. What is it that you are specializing in? Are you in Mass Communications specializing in broadcasting? You need to figure this out before you move forward. Once you do, you want to figure out how you want to convey your person brand. Thanks to the internet, there is an endless amount of ways that you can do this. Here are a few ideas that I am also using:

A Blog/Website
There are some great (and free!) websites that allow you to post your resume and show your skills. If you are familiar with building your own website, you may want to go with a website like WordPress. There are also alternatives geared specifically to blogging, like Blogger and Tumblr. My personal favorite for those who aren’t computer fluent is

This is a blog created by the plus size blogger, Emily. Personal Brand: Plus size fashion.

A Business Card
It doesn’t matter if you do not think you are important enough yet. If you are in the kind of environment where people may be even a little bit interested in your future, you want a way for them to contact you. Yes, this includes you college students! You do not have to have a career yet. This is an easy start to creating your personal brand.

These are my own business cards that I have used for my own hobbies.

A Résumé
We have already talked about creating a Bomb Résumé, but don’t forget that this is also a portion of your personal brand. Graphic designers use their résumés to show off their skills before the initial meeting. So, this is much like your business card.

From Pinterest.

A Portfolio
I think of this one as “old skool”. My mom used this once upon a time to show the work she accomplished as a model, but this isn’t just for models. People have been putting their own “new skool” twists to the classic portfolio.

This is one that I found while looking for ideas for my own portfolio on

Your LinkedIn Profile
If you have not yet signed up for LinkedIn, DO IT NOW! LinkedIn is your résumé, cover letter, skills, and portfolio all on one webpage. If you put your LinkedIn web address on your business card, you will probably be making your job a lot easier. This website allows you to show all aspects of your branding in one place.

This is my own LinkedIn page. Simple as that!

The Résumé Video
This is one that I just recently found out about and will be trying out. Why not stand out above the rest with your own personalized video. I will admit that not all employers will take the time to watch it, but those who are serious about your skills will appreciate the work you put into creating a video.

From YouTube.
Where Do I Go From There?
I know it may seem like a lot to ask, but you may want to challenge yourself by trying to complete all of these. I think it would make the best portfolio! You also may want to do a little more research on how some new “mini moguls” have branded themselves. For example: Nicole Polizzi A.K.A Snooki! She started on the reality show called Jersey Shore. Her personal brand then was the wild, party girl. She headlined parties, events and even created her own funky clothing line. Though, since she gave birth to her son, she has revamped her personal branding. She lost weight, became a contestant on Dancing with the Stars, and published a few baby books. She has branded herself as the new mom and family advice blogger. Therefore, it is never too late to start branding yourself.

I hope this helps you to understand why having a personal brand is so important. Now get creating! 

Yours truly,

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