Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Aren’t You Networking?

Many of us are realizing that even with a great major and skills galore, good jobs are still hard to come by. You may have already heard someone tell you that it is “all about who you know”. For many years, I was so tired of hearing this because I didn’t know anyone in the industry. Did they expect me to have a connection with Steven Spielberg? I could not find a way into the entertainment industry to save my life! Although, after meeting thousands of people just working at Disneyland, I grasped that it wasn’t really about trying to get in touch with that VIP, but actually who you are coming up with. There were so many people around me who were chasing the dream with me. These were the people that I needed to network with. 

What If I Am Shy?

Networking should be a high priority. Don’t stress about it, but do recognize that knowing the right people is how you can get in the door. So this is essential! For myself, my shyness was an obstacle on its own. I hated having to go and ask people for references (and honestly still do), but it must be done. I am not saying you have to go out into the world and be cutthroat about this. You should be able to enjoy networking. So start off slow if you need to. If you have teachers that have worked in the field that you are trying to break into, use this to your advantage! They probably have already been through this process and can offer some great advice. If you are no longer in school, this can still be as easy as going to a party or a bar in the city. For me, it wasn’t surprising how many people in Los Angeles also wanted to be in entertainment. I had an overwhelming amount of people to network with. So at that point, I could figure out who had the most credentials and people that they also networked with. Remember, you want to work with professional people that can help boost your career. Once you get going, shyness will not be an issue. You will probably realize how bad you want that dream job and being too scared to speak will be in the past. 

What If I Don’t Know Anyone?

This can actually be very easy even if you do not already know many people. More and more people are meeting online these days. Why not start there? Last year, I found an amazing website called MeetUp, which allowed me to find people in my area that were into the same hobbies as me. Since I was constantly moving, this made finding friends extremely easy. Even better, I was able to find a group that was working on independent films. Next, I was able to find a second group that was specifically for developing screenwriters. BINGO! All I had to do was sign up for MeetUp online and attend their events. So don’t worry if you don’t know too many people yet. There are plenty of websites that are geared just to networking. Here are a few of them:

And Remember!

Be prepared and be professional. You want to remember that these are the people who can help you. I would also like to offer some quick advice that may be prior knowledge to some. Be yourself! If you happen to have business cards, whip ‘em out! People also want to know what you are up to. And lastly, follow up. Don’t forget to keep in contact with your new colleagues and let them know how their advice is helping you to live your dream.

Have fun out there! 

Yours truly,


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