About Me

My roommates usually notice that I will go missing for a couple of days at a time. No need to worry-- I'm just probably in a book somewhere. I'm always looking for an escape from reality, or even just to get an idea of some other opinions existing all over the world. Though, the escape is probably my addiction...

I lead a chaotic life as a student and overachieving intern. I started college at the University of Hawaii as a fashion major, but my love of writing brought me back to my home in the Bay Area to finish my degree at California State University, East Bay.

I once read that over 340 million people read blogs monthly. Wow! So many of you also enjoy reading what other people have to say on certain topics. It seems as though there is a blog out there for every individual and every interest.

Until I continue my journey after graduation, I want to share some interesting stories with all of you. Hopefully you enjoy reading my blog and it inspires you to create your own voice. Thanks for stopping by!

Yours truly,