Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I am a student. Where do I start?

I am also a student and I started my college career in entertainment production. I honestly did not figure out what kind of path I would need to take to work in entertainment until my junior year. I was so lost in college, but then I realized that I had all of the tools I needed all along. I loved networking, interning, and technology. My computer skills lead me to developing a well-designed resume. This is one of the first steps to landing your dream job after graduation.

Have a bomb resume!

Employers and sometimes even your networks will want to see what you have been up to. So, it is best to always have a current resume handy. So where do you start? Think about what kind of experience you have in the field. Don’t worry about not having a paid position in that direction. People just want to know that you have some knowledge of what happens in that field. Also, if you already have internet experience, great! This is something I will be covering in a later post. 

 What are your skills?

This leads us to skills. This is a very important aspect of landing your dream job. Your skills alone can score you the job. This is something that helps me to get my internships. Much of my work experience is in customer service and only a few volunteer positions are in my dream field of media production. Unfortunately, this is a field that requires hands-on skills. I found myself being told that I needed to have experience to get experience. Well, I learned that my skills created a loophole in this rule. I was able to expand what I learned from school and give myself a lead on my competition. I would advise everyone to do this also. I went from just working on IMovie and Final Cut Pro at school to exploring other programs like Dreamweaver, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, etc. Therefore, even if you don't have paid work experience already in that particular field, there may be a way around it if you can show that you possess all of the required skills and then some. I was able to show my skills from videos I have edited as a volunteer and minimally on my own resume.

Check it out here!

So try to be creative with your resume. Let your personality shine. Also, don't forget to target the skills needed in order for you to get your dream job. It's all about what you can bring to the table!

Yours truly,

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